Today I would like to talk about the creative whirlwind. Because that is what I'm in. And it feels so good to be in the eye of the storm! It is pure love, enthusiasm, fun. A state of being, not a state of mind. My pinky fingers never lie...

Can you see it on the two pictures here? They are not recent, but I am in that state.
I had to shake myself to write a blog post to let you know that I'm ok, happily beading away. Yes. Beading and creating myself away. As if I weren't here anymore. And even if my apartment needs a good clean, I just can't resist this storm and won't resist it. Believe me, it is a waste of time to clean up and make a mess immediately after. It can even kill the creation that wants to be expressed through your hands. I'll tidy up when the storm will be over.
And indeed, my studio looks as if a storm has gone through. Because the more creative, the messier I get. There are beads everywhere on my trays. In tubes, boxes, little plastic bags, spilled over the beading mat in the tray... I have 5 trays, plus one very nice lap tray. They're all covered with beads and bits of beadwork. There also is my camera, sheets of paper, pads, boxes and tools everywhere on my desk. It 's hard to find a place for a cup of coffee. Fortunately hubby made a few extra shelves where the trays can be put away easily. For those who are interested in trays like this, these are very inexpensive "SMULA" from IKEA (only US$ 1.99 per piece; €2.99 in France).
Allthough I try to be organized and keep one tray for one project, when all my trays are full of beads, and projects waiting for that spark of enthusiasm, I continue making more projects on one tray. One is not finished but the other wants to come to life immediately.
Do you also feel that urge to create, sometimes?
Those "Oh this. And this. Oh, that too. Oh I should do that with those, oh and what would this look like with that"...
Looking at the picture here, I suddenly feel deeply grateful for this chair, for its comfort, bien sûr, but even more for the armrests. I couldn't do without it...
Thank you for reading me! Love to you all! Have a happy, creative day!
Back to beading now...